The Anal Mysteries

welcome home

“Behind the spine is infinity
Below the perineum,
Invisible pulsating roots
Open downward into space.”


Spiritual traditions have primarily emphasised the crown and the path of ascension but for there to be a full realisation of our embodied divinity we must also go down to the base and uncover the mysteries within this earth centre.

Located in the root chakra, the base holds our sense of security and safety in the world. The base/anus is the last outpost of humanity’s fear for survival, it is where our collective ‘shit’ is hidden. It is time to turn our loving gaze towards this centre and plant new roots of belonging, safety and the deep relaxation from the knowing that we are loved.

From an embodied perspective working to relax and soften this energy centre is connected to a deeper surrender to life. The anus holds tremendous power but more importantly it holds our tenderest places; it is the home to our deepest vulnerabilities of being human.

Working with this gateway offers the potential to clear and transform shame- harmonising the nervous system and freeing up life force

“This work is a beautiful and gentle opening into the sacredness of the base”


“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”

- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

In a world that is busy accumulating information and experience the anus is the official teacher of letting go, stripping away and restoring us to our original innocence.

This offering is not another product for your self- improvement or attainment. The Anal Mysteries instead invites you to unravel the deepest areas of you, to hold out your hand to all parts that are hidden and to call them into the world. It is an invitation to emerge authentically as you are now.

This is a self guided experience through meditations, embodiment practices and rituals. The Anal Mysteries is a beautiful introduction to the base suitable for all levels of experience, all genders/non genders and whether you are in relationship or not.

It is recommended that you take a minimum six weeks to work through these practices and to allow space for reflection and integration.

The Anal Mysteries
One time

Welcome to your mysteries.

What you will find inside

  • Meditations

    Attuning to the base

    Timeline of the base

    Singularity meditation

  • Embodiment

    Perineum connection

    Awaken the dragon

  • Ritual

    The remembering

    Death letter

  • Temple

    Sacred base

    Landing temple

    Anal de-armouring

    Anal lovemaking

  • Closure

    Planting your innocence

    Celebrating the journey