Passing the torch


I have mostly kept my gaze away from the current scuffle around the Born Again Christian voice accusing the goddess/ embodiment arts, of heresy (which really in our collective memory is a familiar cry) but since I have been publicly called ‘into the ring’ I am going to share my perspective.  

As others have pointed out- astrologically the timing of this wave of energy is in sync with the recent Neptune / Jupiter conjucntion in Pisces. What became visible in my view was the influence of Neptune (spirituality/ idealism) which in Pisces can be one of being ‘swept away by the ocean of idealism’ propelled by the waters of the emotional centre (solar plexus). This converged with the expansive field of Jupiter which governs the principle of love / wisdom. Pisces is also connected to the Sixth Ray and one of the most ‘Christ- filled signs’ of the zodiacal wheel.  

Both Pisces and the sixth Ray have been the dominant energies of the last astrological age of 2000 years and as this cycle enters its receding stages these energies are bound to intensify. What most of us can feel simultaneously is the heralding of the incoming energies of the Seventh Ray. 

If there was one defining feature of the past two thousands years of this Sixth Ray civilisation it is the rise of organised religion. Christianity carved out a human form (Christ / Jesus) that the energies of Sixth Ray devotion and idealism could be projected onto. Worship and dedication to an individual or cause saw the rise of missionaries, ministers, mystics and devotees as channels for the keynote of the Sixth Ray ‘The will to cause’.  

“It is the idealism of that driving force which makes mankind move forward upon the path and in response to the vision and press upward towards the light.” Alice Bailey

The Sixth Ray Age offered us a place to direct our devotion to divinity, through the exalted image of a saviour / man / Jesus/ father. Jesus (said to be the Sixth Ray Master) became a symbolic cause for devotion, in his image we could encapsulate our spiritual aspirations and loyalty to love. The collective was ‘lifted up’ to the subtle worlds of spirit (in its purist expression) towards enlightenment (LIGHT) through the transcendence of human desire/ condition.  

“My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36)

This dedication to spiritual idealism has produced some of the most beautiful aspects of the Sixth Ray civilisation; art (Renaissance), music (classical) and architecture that still stands today as glorious shrines to the exalted Light of transcendent divinity. Walking into the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City still takes my breath away. 


Ruled by Neptune (Idealism) and Mars (initiation, war) the shadow of the Sixth Ray is spiritual fanaticism and the battle between ‘good and evil’. Mars directs this fanatical duality through a one-pointed focus (the crusader) and we can see this currently in the Born Again Christian assertions ‘agree or be damned’., there is only ONE truth, 
ONE God.  

This of course is amplified by the emotional centre of the Solar Plexus which governs Mars and the Sixth Ray- the current social media scuffles are heavily charged with ‘emotional energy’. This is not a conversation between opposing sides- this is Life/ Death/ War territory fuelled by the receding energy of Sixth Ray fanaticism.  

For me the positive aspect of this unfoldment is the confirmation that we are indeed crossing into the coming energies of the Seventh Ray. The challenging aspect however is that we are only seeing the beginning of what could be a messy overlap as those identified with the outgoing energies will grip zealously (one of the attributes of the Sixth Ray)  
Fanaticism does not merely ‘surrender.’
The Born Again Movement is a small out picturing of this zealous grip which I believe is fuelled by the fear of what is actually on its way. 


The Seventh Ray Note which has been linked to the archetype of Magdalene calls the upward LIGHT of the past two millennia downwards to the fertile DARK of the outer plane of earth / body/ ground. The Seventh Ray distils the relationship between spirit and matter into a rhythmic order that builds, integrates, circulates and manifests magic into form. Unlike the transcendental aspects of the Sixth Ray, the Seventh Ray grounds practical mysticism.  

Ruled by Uranus (awakener) and the Sacral Centre (sexuality) there is a greater inclusivity of sexuality, shamanic wisdom, feminine principles and our relationship with all Kingdoms (plant, animal, mineral) as the part of a new divine order.  

The collective gaze towards the teachings and transmissions of Magdalene is growing in awareness as this archetype holds the incoming energies which the next wave of civilisation will wrap around. The feminine principle will awaken humanity to our intimate relationship to the earth and her kingdoms (which also includes our own earth bodies) from which we can develop living systems of greater inclusivity.  

“If I could write the beginning, it wouldn’t be in the light. It would be in the womb, in the dark, in a cave, in an egg. It would be to name all that has been left out as what’s holy. The blood, the Body. Nothing real or imagined has even happened without it..” Mary Magdalene Revealed

What we are seeing in these growing media scuffles are the converging energies of what is receding with what is emergent. The growing interest in tantra, goddess culture, shamanism (plant medicines), witch and earth based spirituality is reflective of what is already on its way.  

The increasing flow of Seventh Ray and the decreasing power of the Sixth Ray will “ throw millions of people into a state of bewilderment – a feeling of being entirely lost, for all that they hold dear is rapidly fading.”  

So ultimately underneath my inititial frustration of what feels like a carcass that has suddenly awoke again (are we really still on this demonic possession thing?) I hold compassion for those souls who are deeply aligned with the principles of what has been our collective encasement for thousands of years. I feel great value in harvesting the learnt wisdoms of the era of Jesus (Sixth Ray) and support the passing of the torch to Magdalene (Seventh Ray) who heralds the coming teachings of an embodied divinity.


inside eden


My Dark Master